020 792 4240


In agriculture, lighting has a significant impact on animal welfare, productivity and human working conditions. Here are the most important things to consider:

1. Animal welfare

  • Amount of light: Animals need sufficient light during their active periods of the day. The recommendation is approximately 150–200 lux of lighting in feeding and sleeping areas.
  • Light rhythm: Mimicking the light/dark cycle (16 hours of light, 8 hours of darkness or darkness) supports the cows' natural hormonal function, such as melatonin production.
  • Even lighting: Avoiding shadows and bright spots prevents stress for the animals.
  • Spectrum: LED lighting can provide light that resembles natural light, which improves activity and productivity.

2. Turvallisuus ja työskentelyolosuhteet

  • Sufficient light output: In work areas (such as milking parlors), lighting should be brighter, around 300–500 lux, to ensure safe and accurate work.
  • Good visibility: Lighting helps you spot potential hazards, such as wet or slippery surfaces.
  • Adjustability: Dimmers or separate lighting zones can improve energy efficiency and adaptability to different needs.

3. Energy efficiency

  • LED lighting: LED lights are durable, energy-efficient, and provide consistent light quality. They also hold up well in the humid and dusty conditions of a barn.
  • Timers and automation: Scheduling lights or using sensors reduces energy consumption and ensures that lighting meets the needs of animals and people.

4. Durable materials

  • Moisture and dust resistance: The luminaires must have a sufficiently high IP rating, at least IP65, to withstand barn conditions.
  • Easy to clean: Lighting systems should be easy to maintain and clean.

5. Environmental consideration

  • Minimizing glare: Directing lighting and avoiding reflections reduces glare for animals and workers.
  • Avoiding light pollution: When lighting the barn's exterior, it is advisable to use directional lights that do not disturb the surrounding nature or nearby areas.

Properly designed lighting promotes the practicality of animal shelters and animal welfare, and can also improve the productivity of the farm in the long term.

Contact us for more information: or by phone +358 20 792 4240
