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L80B10 This type of number sequence is usually found in information provided by manufacturers and sellers of lighting products. So, what does it mean?

The gradual decrease in light output is related to the deterioration of the function of the lamp's components with aging. This combines e.g. reduction of the luminous flux of individual LEDs, complete shutdown and contamination of optical elements (e.g. lens, reflector). As a result, the light output has decreased from the initial situation to a certain value, which defines the so-called service life.

The lifetime of a luminaire is indicated by the term LxBy. It describes the relative light output of an LED luminaire after a certain period of use. The period of use is described in hours, after which no more than y % of the luminaires in use produce less than x % of the initial light output. In AD-Lux linear luminaires, the period of use is 100,000 hours.

Lx describes the relative light output of the luminaire: L80 indicates that the luminaire still produces 80% of the original light output.

By is an additional specification that indicates what percentage of the same type of LED luminaires produce BELOW the stated L value. For example, L80B10 100,000 h means that no more than 10% of the same type of LED luminaires have a luminous flux below 80% after 100,000 hours of use.

Sudden drop in luminous flux The actual service life of an LED luminaire cannot be determined solely based on the gradual decrease in luminous flux of the LEDs. A luminaire or light source module based on LED technology is a technical device that consists of a large number of different components.

It is worth noting that the life expectancy of light sources is not a guarantee of the lifetime of an individual lamp

Within the framework of a long service life and a certain warranty, the reliability of the entire lighting system must be considered.

Source: Philips
