020 792 4240

Industrial and storage space lighting

Lighting in production and storage facilities is an important part of occupational safety. It is important that people see and be seen. The lighting can also be adjusted to the right type, so that the rooms have full lights on when needed. Good lighting also increases comfort and endurance.

Appropriate lighting consists of many things, of which the quality and quantity of light are the most important. Glare and reflection interfere with work and cause poor working postures.
Well-implemented lighting renovation reduces energy consumption and even large savings can be achieved with high-quality lighting. To maximize savings, functional control is also required, with the lights on only when needed. This allows lighting of shelves and machines, etc. only when there are workers in the area.

Mitä saat kun pyydät ehdotusta valaistuksen uusimisesta:
- Mallinnoksen uudesta valaistuksesta
- Energiansäästölaskelman (investoinnin takaisinmaksuaikalaskelma)
- Valaisintarjouksen joko asennettuna tai pelkistä valaisimista
- Tarvittaessa myös rahoitettuna

Valaisimilla on pitkä käyttöikä ja myös takuu.
