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There are things that must be done and things that are sensible to do. When it comes to emergency exit lighting, both perspectives apply.

Lighting is being renewed in many spaces, but often the aspect of visibility during power outages is forgotten. The need, of course, is to ensure the safe movement of employees within these spaces, preventing any accidents or harm. This matter can also be tested and evacuation drills can be arranged with the lights turned off. However, this is not recommended without thorough consideration. All spaces need to be carefully examined and ensured that movement is possible in the dark. Of course, mobile phones can be used to turn on a flashlight, but it creates a rather limited beam of light and directs downward.
The following definitions are from the Tukes website

Exit route lighting

Exit routes, such as exits, and the pathways leading to them, must be appropriately marked and illuminated.

Exit lighting is used to mark and illuminate exit routes within buildings. An exit route is a designated path intended for safe evacuation from a building to the ground level or another secure location. An exit sign is a plaque used to indicate the location of an exit and the route to be taken for evacuation. 

Exit signs must always be illuminated. Supplementary lighting along exit routes must activate when normal lighting fails. The lighting must function for the duration required for safe evacuation.

The lighting must have an independent power supply from the normal lighting power source to ensure the operation of the lighting for at least one hour.


The continued functionality of exit route markings and lighting must be ensured through regular maintenance. The building owner and operator are responsible for maintenance regarding common areas and arrangements serving the entire building, while the occupant of a unit is responsible for the areas under their control.     

The occupant of the building must create a maintenance program detailing the necessary maintenance actions. The performed actions must be recorded either in the maintenance program or a separate log. Upon request, the document must be presented to the local fire authority for inspection.

AD-Lux's solution

In AD Linear EM luminaires, there is a green LED light at one end, which indicates the status of the luminaire's battery. If the light is on, the luminaire is operational, and the light will continue to burn for over three hours after a power outage.

Battery backup can be installed in linear luminaires that are already in use, or they can be implemented as separate luminaires. In the latter case, the lights remain off when the building's power is on. The luminaire activates after a power outage, and the light turns on.

Please refer to additional information regarding the separate battery-backed luminaire from here.